Here I am, finally. I haven't been here blogging much, for I am working on a movie that takes me out into the desert, and I'm putting in 12 hour days a lot. This documentary is a fun one to work on, for I am doing one on the recent quakes in Southern California. Back in April we had a 7.2 grade earthquake just south of Mexicali, Mexico, and not very many people in the US know about the extent of that quake, and what it means.
That quake happened in a rifting valley, an zone where the tectonic plates are pulling apart, and new ground is formed. It is an area of volcanism, and I have already been to one of the volcanos in the area. The area I'm talking about is the Salton Trough and Mexicali Valley. This area is where the Mid-Oceanic Ridge stops, and this ridge is a spreading zone that extends thousands of miles, usually being in the middle of the oceans. But in the Salton Trough, the land comes onto land, and it is one of the rare areas where a rift is actually seen on dry land.
So I am indeed learning a lot about all of this, and making many trips though the desert. It's hot and dusty, and sometimes I go into areas that are bleak, volcanic and even into places where illegal immigrants try and cross the border. It is a dramatic place. Little dusty desert towns dot the landscape, and the locals have lot's to say about the ground lifting up over the past couple of years. One guy showed me a bridge that is being torn apart by the spreading of the ground.
I felt the 7.2 Easter Earthquake, and it went on for about 40 seconds. In San Diego, where I was, the building moved quite a bit. It made all kinds of noises too! I wasn't scared so much, just curious and amazed. I stayed put, and focused on turning on a little portable seismogram I have. I caught the tail end of the quake. I was about a 100 miles or so from the epicenter of the quake, and after the main quake, I felt a lot of aftershocks. In San Diego, it seemed that the ground constantly shook, although faintly, after the big quake. The 7.2 shake inspired me to do a doc on it. So I grabbed one of my big cameras and went to work.
My assistant throw a shit fit over the fact that I work 12 hours days, and he of course has to participate during those long hours if he wants the job. He was scared of the desert, worried about everything. All he wanted to do was pose around, wearing fancy shoes and shirts, trying to be cool. I had to fire him.
A lot people in our more liberal and convenient times do not want to work hard, not like their grandparents. They are now actually encouraged to be wimps, and are soft. New Age encourages this, as well as schools. The guy I fired is a New Ager.
I have got to find a source of more hard working and 'real' people to hire. When I look at that border, into Mexico, I start thinking that the illegal migrants are a matter of supply and demand. Many of those folks crossing over are hard working men and women, and are willing to put in the hours. Here is the US, we have lost faith and work ethic, especially among the young and liberally reared - and perhaps the illegals are filling that gap. That being said, I do not condone entering the US illegally. Hell no!
I firmly think that in order to get our country back, we need to dump all the New Age Godless notions, and kick out the influence of this esoteric approach to leadership. Our educational and media institutions should not be platforms for the New Age agenda. We are not meant to be a nation of softies, wimps and babies. We built this nation out of a wilderness, and the pioneer men and woman were hard working, strong and also faithful. They did not whine and complain about having to do hard work. We need to regain that kind of edge over circumstance again.
That's a part of what my book, The Diablo Diaries, is about. It's about re-gaining nation and a sense of strength and independence. Prince Stephan sees through the bull shit, and how the people are misguided so that they become weak. He sees his fellow aristocrats are a part of the problem. He goes about challenging the whole thing.
And what is the New Age agenda? It's a movement within European and US society toward a soft approach to life, one with less zeal for success and accomplishment, it's an agenda for peace, love and harmony, which sounds to good and dandy on paper- but in the end only hurts civilization. It weakens society, so that the workplace becomes inefficient, government becomes merely people pleasers instead of protectors, and family become lose ended. I'll go into that in more detail some other time. For like I said, that is Prince Stephan's battle! I write from my own observations.
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