Here I split up the previous post, so that you have a chance to jump right into the sexy part of the last post, and get a bit of steam early on. If you want to get into the technical aspects of Stephan's new monarchy, here it is, and not without it's sexy leather clad Nadia giving the tease, and the excitement of a fighter intercept of Stephan's Gulfstream jet.
I took some holiday time off, and in that time have written more. Right now I'm going back through what I have already written to fine tune it. This post is a part of a rewrite from an earlier post.
Stephan looked out the window emotionally, and took in the details of the ground below him. This was the first time he had ever laid eyes on his home country. He then heard the plane’s secure phone go off. He picked it up.
“Your Majesty, what do you think your doing?”
“Ah, Your Majesty, just flying over what should be my God damned fucking kingdom. I simply want to see it personally. It’s a sort of protest, really. A way of saying fuck you to the Federation.”
“I have the Montenegran Prime Minister on conference call with us. His Excellency can hear you. I’d like you to tell him personally your intent.”
Stephan was suddenly embarrassed.
He said, now suddenly in deportment mode, concealing just how embarrassed he was, addressing his Prime Minister, “Ah, please excuse my language, Your Excellency. I do promise you that you won’t have to hear that sort of language from me, when working with me. That’s simply language between my good friends and me. Also, I do respect your government during this change to a monarchy.”
“No problem, Your Majes – ah, Your Royal Highness. We’ve had our fair share of conversations, and you always been quite clean.”
Stephan caught that slip. His Prime Minister damned near called him Majesty. The PM knew that Stephan was indeed the legitimate King, via a general referendum by the people. The nation was presently being economically crushed by the World Federation, and any means to hold onto national sovereignty was now critical.
Stephan said, “I’ll get right to the point and assure you that I have no intent of landing without your green light. Even from this plane, I can see the troop build up to the East. My landing on my own soil may well cause for troop movement. I don't want that. This is not an act against the Montenegran government, but against the World Federation. The reason I won the referendum is because the people agree with my stance for maintained national sovereignty. As you know I stand for basic human rights too. Our people want that.”
“Well, this airspace breech is about to hit the news, and the people are bound to react. I hope it doesn’t get them into the streets.”
“If they do, it’s a good thing.”
“We need to keep the peace, and not have protests.”
“Well, do treat the protestors kindly, please. No violence. I will appeal to them even from this jet over this phone if necessary.”
“Ah, that’s the problem, Sir , you’re a big influence on them.”
“Most certainly. That gives the monarchy more legitimacy.”
Shit, the Prime Minister just called Stephan Sir. That was a sudden change of mode of address indeed. Only the King is addressed Sir.
Something glinted in Stephan’s peripheral vision. He looked out the porthole. He saw the fighters as they lifted into view off each wing. They were bristling with weapons.
Stephan’s sexy companion, Nadia, all dressed up in her butter soft Gucci leather moved next to him, and grabbed his arm tight with a gasp. That excited him even more. She’s sexier than hell when she’s scared, breathing hard next to him, and of course she’s turned on by the moment - the regional power struggle and dangerous airborne thrill…
Stephan loved scaring her in his Lamborghini, getting her all hot, and then fucking the hell out of her. Right now was not the time, for this was a full blown international incident, not just breaking the speed limit in a car.
Why in the hell is she along for the ride, anyhow? How did she get onboard this risky flight? If Stephan were to land in his kingdom, having her at his side would look bad.
Shit. The intercom went off, the captain ordered, “Buckle up, Your Majesty! We've got company.”
"Ok, Captain."
Shit, he’s called Majesty just now. Holy crap, fighter jets off the wings of the Gulfstream!
Queen Helena heard that through the phone, “What’s going on?”
Stephan answered, “Fighters.”
The Prime Minister, ”Shit. Ah pardon my reaction, Your Majesties…”
Stephan tightened his seat belt. His chest pounded, but the fear was simply just that. This is an adventure. The Prime Minister was firing off apologies.
“Ma'am, Sir, I didn’t order those jets up. This is a Federation call. I’m very sorry, but we have to comply with the World Federation, and not allow His Majesty to enter and officially take office. The Federation is acting on this now.”
Stephan Commanded, “Your Excellency, call off the jets.”
“I’m afraid I can’t exactly do that.”
The pilot called over the intercom, “They’re weapons hot, Sir.”
Stephan responded, “Hold on, please, Captain, I’ve got the PM on! Your Excellency, call off the fighters.”
“Right now, if you were to land, you would be breeching World Federation law. It would be a very complicated problem then, being that you’re not technically completely the King, and yet legitimized by direct referendum, so basically King by popular vote. You need to sign your Letter of Sovereign Intent, on domestic soil, with the approval of the World Federation and our own Parliament.”
“A proposal for the direct referendum, long before the people's vote was cast, was already approved by Parliament. That makes me King, once the Letter of Intent is signed. Even before, via popular will. Just FAX the Intent to me to this plane.”
“I can’t, Sir. Federation law.”
“So, Your Excellency, if I were indeed to land, then what? Do I sign my Letter of Sovereign Intent and complete to process of becoming King?”
“By Federation law, we would have to arrest you Your Majesty.”
“I have diplomatic and sovereign immunity, you can’t arrest me for setting foot on Montenegran soil.”
“If it’s deemed some kind of coup, yes we can.”
“Visiting one’s own country doesn’t make it coup.”
“If the people take to the streets in support of you, and demand that you stay and take office – that’s inciting civil unrest with the intent of changing the administration.”
Stephan said, “You’ve got a point, for the people do support the monarchy strongly, and are a bit unruly right now. Say, how do you feel about the World Federation, and how it takes away your powers as Prime Minister?”
“I’m not exactly thrilled about it. They paid for my campaign. They’ll assure whether I’m reelected or not.”
“Exactly. It doesn’t feel good being jerked around does it? So I’m sure you can understand how I feel having to simply fly by my country on the day after the referendum. Call off the jets, or at least have them switch off their weapons.”
Stephan had to gently push back horny scared Nadia, mouthing for her to settle down. Hell, she was all over him with her hands in her sexual excitement. He repeated, to Nadia in a whisper, holding her back now firmly, strongly gripping her arm:
“Stop! No!”
Good God, Nadia’s trying to ravish the very man that just won a popular vote to restore his monarchy - A budding king, mind you. Leave me alone, Nadia. Please. Hand away from my fly.
The whole time, Stephan managed to keep the phone to his ear, and microphone covered. He also managed to slide the another blind for privacy from the fighters not far away.
Queen Helena added, addressing the PM, pretending not to hear Stephan’s onboard struggle, the PM assuming it was simply unruly children on board, “This will involve Greece too, if the weapons remain hot, as the plane Prince Stephan is on belongs to Greece. That’s my plane your fighters intercepted. I do hope you understand the ramifications of threatening the Kingdom of Greece’s plane. Have the fighters switch their weapons off and fly ahead of us, and never behind. I have my Defense Minister on standby.”
On the ground, in the Montenergran capital, that Prime Minister fumbled with his own damned phone lines, jabbing a sea of buttons, finally getting his own Defense Minister on. His heart beat like hell. He was messing up big time with his future king, or perhaps present king, depending of course, on how you interpreted the law. He was in hot water too with his neighboring leader the Queen of Greece, not to mention the World Federation, and it’s brutal Chairman, Richard William Wilcox.
Queen Helena reinforced, “Weapons off, please, Your Excellency.”
Prince Stephan lifted up the blind, stared out of his porthole at the fighters, and one of the fighter pilots turned his helmeted head and actually looked back at Stephan. They exchanged the gaze a while.
Stephan Saluted the pilot, and the pilot saluted back. The pilot then lifted his visor, and gave Stephan a head nod, in a sort of bow. Stephan got it.
It gave Stephan a sobering, but trusting feeling. Intuitively, he felt good about the situation. The pilots were White Hats! They're on his side.
Stephan unbuckled and went up to the cockpit, "Captain let me have the headset."
"Yes Sir."
Stephan slid the headset on and said, "Attention flight of fighters escorting Gulfstream Hotel Bravo Bravo with the Royal Markings of the Kingdom of Greece. This is King Stephan of Montenegro. Day code Dawning Leap. I've shown my face and will do so again for your further confirmation. I'm the sovereign of this airspace, and I command you to take your weapons off of ready, and fly ahead of us at least five miles."
"One moment, Hotel Bravo Bravo." One of the fighter pilots responded.
The fighter flight's lead pilot was busy confirming the day code, and communicating with his command.
The commander of that Gulfstream motioned the co-pilot to allow Stephan to take her seat. Stephan and co-pilot exchanged position, and Stephan buckled in again. He looked out at the fighter to the right, as the fighter eased forward for a better view of Stephan. The pilot looked at Stephan for a awhile.
"Your Majesty," The lead pilot said, "If you keep to the heading of Three Four Zero, Airspeed Four Four Five, this flight level, with no diversions, we will escort you across Montenegran airspace."
Stephan clapped both hands together, "Yeah!"
He then went on to transmitting, "Flight commander, and pilots, I thank you very much. I will remember you, and if the Federation gives you any problems, and I'm sure they will, I will back you. You have safe sanctuary with me. Names please."
Each pilot called off his or her name and rank.
The fighter pilots all formed up to the right, for Stephan to see them, and they saluted, then flew on ahead a few miles.
Stephan glanced over at the Captain of the Gulfstream and blow air in relief. He then rested with his head back a moment, and then gave the seat back to the co-pilot.
"Thank you, Captain."
"No, thank you, Your Majesty. You're a very brave man."
Stephan smiled at the Captain and then went back to the cabin.
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