Monday, December 12, 2011

IMF, Sexy Queens, Robots and Executive Powers

The above document is essential reading if you indeed want to know the extent of the grip the International Monetary Fund has on national will and sovereignty. This is is a current crisis that we are in the world over, and on the long run, I wonder what will pan out. In my book, Robotic Nadia is a metaphor of the world system of governance.

Enjoy my latest scene. I must note that the posts are no longer in the order that the book goes, for I must protect the plot until it is indeed on the market. I'm simply teasing you.


Nadia sat in the vast manufacturing facility, in the secure section of the service area, receiving modifications. Her memory capacity was immensely boosted, and her programs given new improved encryption. New mildly addictive drugs were loaded in her too, those what would applied to her target human.

Once some of the work done on her was done, her human side would awaken, and she was taken to a luxurious suite for the evening. She would watch tv, eat, enjoy a message or buy clothes online. Sometimes she was called to Wilcox’s rooms for briefing and training, and entertainments. This was her routine now.

Today, once she left the maintence bay, she joined Wilcox and was shown satellite images of a pair of SUVs moving across Southern Bavaria, towards Liechtenstein.

“What do you pick up in those cars, Nadia?”

She stood silently a moment, and then, “Only small talk. Stephan is watching a soccer match.”

Wilcox looked over her, doubting that. It couldn’t be. Stephan had some sort of intent, if he was riding in security SUV’s with special windows, and not simply blasting along in his personal vehicle, having security simply chase him in a chase car.

Wilcox’s assistant switched to a satellite view of Queen Helena’s residential palace, in Athens. Nadia could see Helena sitting outside with her ice tea and cookies, reading a book.

“What is Helena reading?”

“A romance novel of some kind.” Nadia answered.

“No way. She doesn’t even read those. She’s a serious woman.”

An intelligence guy chimed in, “In fact, she does.”

“Really? Romance novels?” Wilcox’s brows lifted.


Wilcox couldn’t help himself, and laughed hardily.

The intelligence guy added, “She’s actually a romantic. She just doesn’t show it publically.”

“Wow. I would have never guessed it.”

Nadia made a little laugh. Wilcox was so socially inept - it was funny.

“Nadia, what kind of music is the queen listening to?”

“Country music from the US.”

“What artist?”

“Right now it’s Willy Nelson. It was Sugarland before that.”

“That seems right. She does enjoy country and blues, and loves Willy Nelson. I’ve heard her play it in her suites during Davos meetings. I guess that’s accurate enough. But I don’t think we’re ready at all, Nadia. I’m not sure Stephan is just watching a soccer match right now. He hates that team that’s on now.”

Nadia nodded obediently. Indeed she was a fine robot. Just needs a tune up, that’s all.


Queen Helena sat with her croissants and iced coffee, reading the Financial Times, some unclassified military reports and people magazine. She enjoyed the rowdy lyrics of military action that only Toby Keith could belt out. She then doodled out some thoughts, making notes. It was a quiet day, and a much needed quiet day.

Helena wondered if this was the quiet before the storm. She instinctively sensed that the rebellion whispered about in certain halls of power was about to be ramped up a notch. She thought on Stephan and his talks with Karl and how that will go. She’ll soon head out to the airport, and take off in her jet to join them.

It was then time to get back to work, after this break. Helena went back inside, up stairs and did some finishing touches on some commentaries on legislation.

Before she knew it, her workday was done.

In her residential wing, she prepared for her trip, picking out things to take with her.

“Hey honey!”

Helen turned and smiled at her husband. He was returning from his own workday, which was running his successful publishing company.

“Hi sweetie, how was your day?”

“Hectic. But everything went well.”

“Mine was quiet. Not much going on. Say, I’ll be back from this trip in a few days, perhaps we can escape for the weekend if you have time.”

He smiled brightly, and happily, “For you, I’ll make all the time in the world.”


“Come here.”

She did, and he gave her a good kiss. He playfully lifted her up. She loved it.

He put her down and said, “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

They began to exchange kisses, and did so very tenderly, then growing into intensity.

He looked into her eyes, “Do you have time to …”

“Yes. Let’s.”

He picked her up again, carried her into the next room, and she made a little laugh.

He set her down on their bed gently, and started those kisses all over again. He loved that romantic heart of hers, and good God all mighty, was she ever sexy as hell. One hundred percent woman! He lucked out meeting her years ago, hitting on her, getting a date, not knowing he was hitting on the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Greece.

Hell, within just one date, before knowing who she really was, he had fallen for her, and she for him.

It wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies though. They had their imperfections, and got on each other’s nerves sometimes. She had a mind of her own, and was stubborn, and he was often bossy and opinionated. Sometimes they bickered over the stupidest things, and occasionally fought over what they thought was important.

Helena never let him really boss her, for she was well aware who and what she was. She simply deftly skipped around that, maneuvering with expertise. She was a master of that sort of thing. One thing she wisely did was to listen to his opinions, and she let him rant about the things that annoyed him. Once he had his rant about some dumb assed liberal politician or something in the news, he was happy.

Her opinions on politicians differed from his, that’s for sure. And she was less reactive, and she had to be.

Shit, she heard politics almost all day long, or like today, at least half the day. She was well used to it. Her own personal opinions or that of her lively talkative husband never factored into her work as Monarch.

Helena was a good natured and happy person, for the most part, and that was a big positive between the two of them, and she was supportive of his goals - and the biggest thing, was that he gave her a ton of satisfaction in bed.

And that was what now was going on. He undressed her, and then himself, and they took their time with each other’s delights.

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