Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Movie Decon 2012 is #205 on IMBd

Today I got great news that my first indie feature film, Defcon 2012 is ranked #205 on IMDb. This comes as a big surprise, two years after we got it into distribution. It's now a cult sci-fi and is popular in Europe and Asia. We shot the movie in an abandoned mall in Palm Springs, CA, using minimum equipment and a budget of only $35,000. It was quite a learning experience for us, and since, my team and I have put out the feature horror, House of Mirrors.

Here's a link to the movie and IMDb.

I've been writing my book series too, and tightening the plot. It is a very exciting series, and I put in some scenes that will sure to controversial.

I encourage anyone having creativity to get going on their project, and do so with courage and poise. Don't fall back your fears of how people may react. Just do it.

Here's a start. If you can't afford the big fancy programs, there's plenty of creative programs for free. Here's a link to Celtx where you can download a software that has script and novel templates.

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