Saturday, January 22, 2011

Creative photos by Chema Madoz

True Elegance: Simplicity. True thought: Mind boggling that rings true!

Creative photos by Chema Madoz

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prince Stephan, the main character in my book The Diablo Diaries struggles all through the story as a gay. But his gayness is not central to the story ideally, in my mind, being gay is not an issue. Sadly, there are still too many people that still do make a big deal of it. There is still a lot of hate, prejudice and misunderstanding of gays. There are still clear dangers for gays, and discrimination. Recently a friend of mine has gotten me to think about the whole thing, and he's the one that's planning to do a walk across the USA as a human rights march. I have been covering him with my camera, doing a documentary on him. I covered his hunger strike in Palm Springs, where he aimed to bring light on bullying gay youths often suffer, and I covered his march from Palm Springs to 29 Palms Marine Base as a call for the end of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Read below, and if you agree with it, lend a donation or a hand!